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Accessibility Statement

Accessibility Statement

We strive to make our website as accessible and usable as possible. We do this by following Section 508 and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0) produced by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C, the web's governing body).

Section 508 is a legal requirement and WCAG is a set of checkpoints and guidelines that help ensure that websites are designed and written properly. In addition to features necessary for supporting the Section 508 standards and WCAG 2.0, section headings are used to organize the content, and all videos incorporate descriptive narration in addition to open captions. In developing our site, templates were subjected to automated testing. All new content is subjected to expert inspection. Template updates are checked for conformance with the Section 508 standards and WCAG 2.0 before they are deployed.

For example:

  • Images have alternative text
  • Color contrast between the foreground and background is sufficiently strong
  • Headings are correctly used
  • Links make sense by themselves
  • Forms are formatted with visible field names
  • Tables are used for laying out tabular information and have proper headings and summaries


If you have a problem using our site, please Contact Us and provide the URL (web page link) of the material you tried to access, the problem you experienced, and your contact information. We'll attempt to provide the information you're seeking.

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